Is Yoga the Same Everywhere?
Today I went to a yoga class at a different school (yoga studio) with another teacher. I’m not cutting class or skipping school, just trying another. I’m actually trying to do yoga better. Seriously, Groupon had some insane deal at another studio with unlimited classes for a month.
Hmmmm, it’s not the same. What am I missing? Are we doing the same downward dog and cobra poses? Yes. Am I cheating on you, my yoga teacher, by going to another teacher? Well, this new teacher doesn’t laugh at me like you do when I have no clue what my arms and legs are supposed to be doing. In fact, she hardly ever comes over and adjusts my alignment. Perhaps she saw a needy note tattooed on my forehead when I walked in the class and she decided to stay away. Why does this substitute teacher not find the humor and dreaminess in yoga like you do? What does she think I am? A physically challenged beginner? Maybe I brought the wrong color mat today.
What was the teacher’s deal? Any chance I should be glad she has tolerance and didn’t put me in a yoga pretzel timeout.
Gary Kahn
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