Yoga Chatting

Jul 22nd, 2012 by Gary Kahn in Yoga Class


Recently I went to yoga class and there were people hanging out chatting before, during, and afterward.  I started to  wonder why I don’t chat with others when I go to class.

Let’s see, first, most of the students are women and they seem to know each other.  What would I say?  Where did you get those yoga pants?  That might be odd coming out of my mouth and perhaps an unintentional, unwanted, flirtatious, pre-class gesture.  During class I don’t talk with anybody but once in a great while I hear some discussions in a corner of class.  Maybe  I should flip my dog a number  of times to get over there and join the chat.  Say, this might even provide some laughter for the talkers and be a great ice breaker.  After class, I like to be in solitude in the glow of my mind cleansing; maybe I could hug everybody and we could share our sweat together.

What do you think of these ideas for a start at socializing with my fellow yogis?

Gary Kahn

1 Comment

  • There are days when the chatting is more noticable than others. I like the idea of chat before and after class, but not really during…
    If we roll out the mat, do our practice, then roll it up and leave we are missing the point of coming together in a group. The energy of a group helps us all to be inspired while we practice. When there is chatting before and after the students get to know eachother. Friendships are made and even business networking occurs. That is how we create community. It may seem like they know eachother but they probably met in class…give it some thought <3